Monday, August 19, 2013

Two Amazing Days in Brazzaville

Two Amazing Days in Brazzaville

Yesterday’s worship service and today’s session with the Church leaders were two of the most fulfilling days that I can remember. Yes, the Sunday service was over 3 and half hours, but notice I did not say “long”. The morning was filled with beautiful music from numerous choirs as well as our own “starburst” group. We’ll explain this when we’re back. We shared drama’s, which they call sketch’s, Matthew delivered a very moving sermon and touching testimonies from Karen and Sue.

During the Sunday school session which we ran prior to the service, the children loved the Good Shepherd puppet show. We also played a version of “hide and seek” with the sheep (aka the lost sheep). We asked the children to hide their eyes and then go find the lost sheep. I think a few of them may not have the concept of hiding their eyes, they found the lost sheep within seconds. However, when I hid the sheep behind my back under my shirt it took them a lot longer! We all ask for your healing prayers for Karen and Peter so that they may join us tomorrow in Inpani.


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